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Project Sustainable Industrial Design of Textile Structures for Composites, funded by the European Union, 2022-2025

Grant Agreement no. 101079009 Call: HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03/Twinning

Nature of contribution in the project: project employee

Project „engiSCAF”, funded by the Norway Grants, 2021-2024


Nature of contribution in the project: project employee

MINIATURA 1 - the project financed by the National Science Centre Poland - 2017/01/X/ST5/00109

Tytuł projektu: Funkcjonalne mikrowłókna poliakrylonitrylowe jako sensory promieniowania i znaczniki oryginalności produktów o charakterze odwracalnym i nieodwracalnym. (eng. Functional polyacrylonitrile microfibers as radiation sensors and markers of products originality).

Nature of contribution in the project: project leader

Internal grant of the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Lodz University of Technology - Young Scientists Fund 2017 

Project title: Polymer tablets for high energy radiation measurements.

Nature of contribution in the project: project leader

Internal grant of the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Lodz University of Technology - Young Scientists Fund 2016  

Project title: Modified PAN fibers - 2D dosimetry.

Nature of contribution in the project: project leader

Internal grant of the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Lodz University of Technology - Young Scientists Fund 2015     

Project title: Selected compounds sensitive to high-energy radiation -  measuring systems 1D and 3D.     

Nature of contribution in the project: project leader


Internal grant of the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Lodz University of Technology - Young Scientists Fund 2014     

Project title: The use of selected sensitive to high-energy radiation compounds for development of 1D, 2D and 3D measuring systems.

Nature of contribution in the project: project leader


Internal grant of the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Lodz University of Technology - Young Scientists Fund 2012     

Project title: A program to analyze 2D dosimeters textile.

Project ID: 2/2012                                                                              

Nature of contribution in the project: project leader


Internal grant of the Faculty of Material Technologies and Textile Design, Lodz University of Technology - Young Scientists Fund 2011   

Project title: High-resolution test method for ionizing and UV radiation dose distribution.

Project ID: 3/2011                                        

Nature of contribution in the project: project leader


The project financed by the European Social Fund and the state budget of the Integrated Regional Operational Programme - "Grants support for innovative doctoral research"
Project title: Imaging system for monitoring textile dosimeters for high-dose radiation measurements.

Project ID: Z/2.10/II/2.6/1/09, contract number: 2009/10   

Nature of contribution in the project: project leader

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